I was raised in a religious home but lived as an atheist for most of my life. My mom was raised Catholic, and my dad was raised with a mixture of Christianity and Mormonism, but we never went to church or talked about religion in the house. I can remember going to church once or twice in my entire life. When I got older, I never ruled out that there was “some kind of God” but I didn’t believe in Jesus or God in any way. I lived my life how I thought it should be lived and I ultimately did what I wanted to do at all times.
”I lived my life how I thought it should be lived and I ultimately did what I wanted to do at all times.
It wasn’t until one night in late October 2022 that I was at the lowest point I have ever been in my life. I hit an emotional rock bottom. The stress of work, a relationship breakup, and being away from my family and friends in California had finally broken me and I felt completely hopeless. I had never felt so afraid of life. In an instant, I felt a presence in my bedroom with me and immediately stopped crying and started laughing. That presence was something that me, the atheist, could only explain as God being in the room comforting me. He was telling me that everything was going to be ok and if I listen to Him, I have nothing to worry about. A lifetime of worry, regret, unhappiness, and stress had instantly been lifted from my shoulders and I felt a sense of relief that I had been looking for, for years.
That moment happened around midnight on a Saturday night, and I felt this strong need to start looking for churches in the area because I had to be in church that next day. Thankfully the search didn’t last long, because one of the first churches I found was Highlands and it seemed to fit everything I was looking for in a church. I was at the service the very next day and I attended Discover Highlands the following Sunday.
”A lifetime of worry, regret, unhappiness, and stress had instantly been lifted from my shoulders and I felt a sense of relief that I had been looking for, for years.

I have been coming to Highlands ever since that Sunday and looking back, it’s clear that finding this church was just the very first step in what God has planned for my life. Since coming to Highlands, I have met and connected with many friends, started serving on the Connections Team, and was introduced to a mentor who has already taught me many invaluable lessons. I am also in a weekly Bible study group with a group of men who have expanded and strengthened my relationship with God. As a profession of my faith in Jesus, I got baptized in April of 2023, and that was another one of those moments that I saw God’s work in me.
It’s no coincidence that the same week it crossed my mind that I should get baptized was the same week Zeb asked me if I was interested in getting baptized. Looking back on my life prior to finding God, it’s easy for me to see that God was there the whole time.
I can now see Him working in various moments of my life going back to when I was a kid. It wasn’t until I accepted that God was in charge of my life, not me, that I realized, I didn’t have to worry about any of the things that I once worried about. I now try to read the Bible daily and my relationship with God is above all else. God’s Word and His presence in my life is all I will ever need.