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We are blessed by the Lord with a number of men that meet the biblical qualifications to be an elder. Although there are many responsibilities of an elder described in Scripture, some elders are called out to focus on governing, which we call the Board of Elders. The Scriptures, Holy Spirit, our Statement of Faith and our Bylaws are the primary means of guidance for the Board, where all decisions are made in unanimity.

Overall, all elders are responsible for the shepherding of the congregation which includes both ruling and teaching (1 Timothy 5:17).  Deacons and Deaconesses act with delegated authority from the Board of Elders in their assigned areas of ministries (Acts 6:1-6) and meet the biblical qualifications.

Current Elder Board

Lead Pastor

Nate Edmondson

Nate grew up in Tennessee and trusted in Jesus to save him as a kid. In high school, his family planted a church where he began teaching the Bible in kids ministry and leading worship bands for student ministry. This experience, combined with the insight of several older Christians, helped him discern a call to ministry. He’s a graduate of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL and Western Seminary in Portland, OR. Nate is married to Courtney, who is also a graduate of Moody, and works as a mental health counselor. Together they have two daughters, Esther and Anna. Nate served as the High School Pastor at Highlands from 2015-2017, and returned to Highlands in 2020 where he now serves as the Lead Pastor. When he’s not doing church stuff, Nate enjoys following Tennessee sports, smoking meat, going on walks with Courtney, and playing with Esther and Anna.

Nate Garvin

Nate has called Highlands family since 2002, when he, his wife Sanae moved to Renton and began raising four sons and a daughter at Highlands. They’ve led a community group for many years. Nate serves in adult teaching ministries, and Sanae has served faithfully in women’s ministries, children’s ministries, and innumerable volunteer capacities. She directs a homeschool co-op, and Nate is with a large local software company. Though raised by faithful and prayerful parents, it was community at Highlands that prompted him to know God more deeply through Scripture and prayer. He lives today happily indebted to the patient love of his Father and eager to show that surprising joy to others.
Board Treasurer

Larry Maison

Larry retired in April 2020 after serving for 34 years in church ministry, 23 years at Highlands Community Church, and 11 years at Trinity Church in East Lansing, Michigan as a Church Administrator. Larry and his wife, Karen have been married for 42 years and have four sons and two grandchildren. Larry came to know the Lord through the Navigator ministry while serving in the US Army. During his Christian life he has been active in leading and participating in community ministry, small groups and student ministries. Larry graduated from Michigan State University. He enjoys hiking, biking, skiing and disc golf.

Joseph McLean

Joseph was born and raised in Spokane Valley, WA. He spent four years in the Marine Corp as a Sergeant directing tactical air traffic in Asia. Joseph is married to his wife Lynette and has 2 sons and 3 daughters. The McLeans have lived in the Kennydale neighborhood for 38 years and have been blessed by the Bible teaching ministry of Highlands for over 25 years. Joseph has taught in the elementary classes at Highlands on Sundays for several years. He also has been a part of leading the teen ministry of Celebrate Recovery in the past.
Executive Pastor of Operations

Ben Menenberg

Ben has been a follower of Jesus since 2004 and a member of Highlands since 2013. He joined the staff team as Executive Pastor in 2022. He graduated with a Master of Arts in Theology degree from Fuller Seminary, and he is also a Certified Public Accountant. Ben is married to Laura, and together they have four sons: Nathaniel, Noah, Nehemiah, and Nicholas. Ben and Laura fulfill their family mission of ministering to children with intellectual disabilities by serving in the special needs ministry at Highlands, volunteering with Special Hope Network, and by caring for their eldest son. Ben enjoys cycling, cooking, and studying God’s Word.
Board Chairman

Dana Rekow

Dana became a Christian around the age of five. He and his wife, Vickie, have been attending and serving at Highlands in various capacities since 1994. Dana is passionate about music, Christian apologetics, Biblical generosity, the integration of faith and work, and Christian higher education. Dana and Vickie have led community groups at Highlands for many years. During his work career, Dana spent more than 25 years helping lead investing and financial planning firms. In addition to his contributions at Highlands, he serves on the boards of three Christian colleges and universities. He derives his greatest joy from reading, listening to music, talking with others, and helping lead worship on Sunday mornings.

Mike Ryan

Mike began attending Highlands in 1999 and served on the International Ministries from 2007-2020. During this time, Mike has had the opportunity to travel to numerous countries participating in various ministries. Mike also served as a Community Group leader for many years and as an HCC Kids volunteer. Mike has an MBA and professional experience in project management, program management, and finance. In his free time, he enjoys taking in God’s amazing creation through hiking, camping, and beachcombing with his wife and two kids.
Board Secretary

Dave Lyon

Dave became a Christian in 1978 and rededicated his life to the Lord in 1991. He and his wife, Drea, have two grown children, Natalia and Nathan, and have been attending Highlands as a family since 2008. Dave has served for many years as a member of the Highlands Worship Team, and is passionate about leading and encouraging God’s people to worship Him. Over the years, Dave and Drea have served together in Community Groups, prayer teams, and HCC Kid’s ministries. In his free time, Dave enjoys writing, producing and performing music, singing, traveling, skiing, and all things aerospace.