From April 29 – May 10, Highlands sent a small missions team to serve alongside Mihai Pungila and Sandu Deac, our missionaries in Romania. Eugene Citrisky and Jeremy Dollar (our partner through Eastern European Connection) spent two weeks in southeast Romania. During this time they assisted with three VBS programs (85 kids total), hosted a youth meeting, taught a computer programming club, preached and shared testimonies at six different churches, conducted street evangelism, and visited poor families.

“Much of the ministry took part among remote communities in the Danube Delta. This was made possible, in part, by the generosity of the Highlands community, which donated funds to help brother Mihai buy a boat.”
Now he is ministering in Tulcea, Nicolae Balcescu, Peceneaga,and Sinoe, as well as the water-bound villages of Chilia Veche, Sulina, and Letea, which can only be reached by boat. These water-bound villages previously had no consistent ministry and no children’s ministry.
The trip took place during Orthodox Easter, a week-long holiday in Romania, and seeing Eugene and Jeremy was an encouragement for the Romanian missionaries. This visit will help Highlands plan a larger mission trip, which will focus on VBS and a sports program for children from poor areas. In 2025, Highlands plans to send a larger team of missionaries to assist with children’s outreach in the Danube delta during Orthodox Easter, the week of April 13. For more information, please contact our missions pastor